10 Movies Got 100% “Fresh” in Rotten Tomatoes - Ⅰ

Rotten Tomatoes as well as IMDB are both websites of movie information and evaluation. The difference is that the movie ratings on the Rotten Tomatoes website are based on the evaluations of "certified film critics" on other websites. According to the evaluation, the movies will be rated as "fresh" and marked as fresh red tomatoes icon if the praise exceeds 60%; if the praise is below 60%, it will be evaluated as "rot" and marked as green rotten tomatoes icon. This is where "rotten tomatoes" comes from. On today’s movie list, I’ll introduce 10 movies with 100% fresh on the Rotten Tomatoes website. If you have ever watched them all, then you are a totally movie fan! 1. Citizen Kane When a reporter is assigned to decipher newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane's dying words, his investigation gradually reveals the fascinating portrait of a complex man who rose from obscurity to staggering heights. Though Kane's friend and colleague Jed...